
Personal Finance Illustrated®
Course Curriculum

Lessons In Financial Efficiency

Want to know the secret of financial well-being? It’s not as much about what you do to accumulate more, as much as it is about how effectively you are able to utilize what you accumulate. Efficiency is the name of the game. The key lies in discovering how to balance your current lifestyle desires with your future lifestyle requirements. Personal Finance Illustrated® is designed to differentiate educators by equipping them with the ability to teach their students how to create a balanced and sustainable financial lifestyle, and to provide those students with the skills, tools, and understanding required to evaluate how the financial decisions they are making today, will directly impact the reality of their future.


Illustrative Financial Education

  • Paint a picture with innovative visual communication tools endorsed by the financial advisory community

  • Relate fundamental truths about personal finance and successful financial management

  • Provide understanding for critical financial decisions, and build a firm foundation upon assured financial principles

  • Equip students with the practical skills they’ll need to develop long-term financial stability
