Personal Finance Illustrated®
Course Resources

Everything you need, plus more than you would expect

We are committed to impacting the financial lives of students, but we are also keenly determined to revolutionize the way that instructors are able to deliver that impact. We believe that in order to provide an improved financial education for our students, we must first focus on strengthening the abilities of our educators. We’ve packed this course full of materials designed specifically to coach instructors. Now teachers can benefit from highly sought after financial training which was previously only available to professionals in the financial services industry. Lesson plans, instructor training, video lectures, video tutorials, quizzes, assignments, handouts, and more. It’s all here! We’ve built a complete virtual learning environment, with everything any instructor of any background would need to confidently deliver the course material and maximize the benefit ultimately provided to the student.

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Powerful Instructional Resources

  • Provide critical financial understanding to students

  • Highly sought after financial training for instructors

  • Instructor Guides keep you organized and on track

  • 30 Interactive Resources (calculators and storyboards) maximize lesson impact and concept retention

  • Hours of video lessons, tutorials, and coaching included

  • Pre-built lesson plans offer an easy to follow roadmap

  • Built upon a legacy of decades in advisor education